Saturday, October 24, 2015

Red Lines.

This is coolbert:

Still more from DEBKAfile.

Red lines in the sand courtesy of the Israeli.

Hezbollah and Iranian ground forces in Syria under pretext preparing to occupy portions of the disputed Golan. THIS AN ACTION TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE TO THE ISRAELI.

"Hizballah is creeping up on Israel's Golan border, relying on Russian military cover"

 23 October.

"The Syrian conflict is again bringing the hostile Iran-backed Hizballah into dangerous proximity to Israel's border. After visiting Quneitra last week, Iran's Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Russian air force chiefs in Syria concluded that Russian air strikes are necessary to break the deadlock in the Quneitra battle against rebel forces [those in opposition to Assad]. Israel has informed Moscow and Washington that this would cross its red lines against Iranian and Hizballah forces moving in on its Golan border and Russian aerial activity over southern Syria."

OH, I have told you devoted readers to the blog before that this all leading up a crescendo that will have disastrous consequences for all. A dynamic situation unpredictable and highly volatile, a lose-lose outcome for all!!


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