Monday, August 24, 2015


This is coolbert:

From MARCO POLO through Harry:

"a report has just come in from Russian Far East.  At the submarine base in Villyuchinsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula, on August 20, about 6pm (local time), a spill of missile fuel occurred while a missile was being unloaded at a naval pier. The citizens were asked to close their windows and not to leave home."

     "According to the Ministry of Defense, the accident occurred when a ballistic missile without a warhead was being sent for disposal. It was a leak of oxidizer. There was no danger of radiation poisoning."

     "Villyuchinsk is a submarine base, facing the northern Pacific Ocean, which serves Russian SSBNs (strategic missile-carrying nuclear submarines). Two newly-built Borey-class submarines -- 'Aleksandr Nevsky' and 'Vladimir Monomakh' -- are expected to be based there later this year."


Soviet/Russian liquid-fuel submarine-launched ballistic-missiles [SLBM] normally until that period just before firing empty? That process to fuel and begin the launch sequence ONLY done after receiving the "go" command?

For much of the Cold War the preponderance of the Soviet SLBM liquid-fuel and not solid-fuel. American SLBM exclusively solid-fuel.


1 comment:

  1. That would be hydrazine or some variant thereof. Soviet SLBMs were liquid-fuelled because for once the Communists were unable to steal American solid-fuel technology.
