Sunday, August 16, 2015

Bunker 41 Mustard.

This is coolbert:

As is an evening news item the Islamic State now resorting to chemical weapons awaiting confirmation.

1. "Pentagon officials believe ISIS used chemical weapons against Kurds in Iraq"

"Pentagon officials believe ISIS used chemical weapons against Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq Wednesday"

"One official who had seen the latest intelligence reports from the region told Fox News Thursday that the victims had 'blisters' that matched the symptoms of other victims of mustard gas."

". . . ISIS may have obtained the mustard gas in Syria . . . Another U.S. official left open the possibility that ISIS had taken the mustard gas from old weapons stockpiles that belonged to former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and weren't destroyed."

Those "old weapons stockpiles" presumably Bunker 41!

Additionally on the same topic from DEBKAfile.

2. "Germany confirms possible ISIS chemical attack on Kurds"

14 August.  

"The German military confirms a possible chemical weapons attack on Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers fighting the Islamic State group (ISIS) in northern Iraq . . . A group of Western experts has arrived to take samples after a Tuesday night mortar attack on Kurdish positions in Makhmur, 35 km southwest of the capital, Irbil, following claims that the rounds were loaded with chemicals, possibly mustard gas or chlorine. He said Peshmerga forces in the area were instructed to use gas masks in case of mortar attacks until results are verified in the laboratory."

Gas masks, filters, chemical suits, decontamination kits, alarms, chemical papers, training, etc. ALL NEEDED AND NEEDED INSTANTLY!!

During that period of the Cold War American troops under orders that if in combat with Soviet forces and coming under aircraft, rocket, artillery or mortar fire to MASK AND MASK INSTANTLY!! Do not wait for SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL ATTACK TO MANIFEST ITSELF!!


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