Monday, July 27, 2015


This is coolbert:

From DEBKAfile the usual alarmist headlines.

Multi-national-force [MNF] Sinai under attack by affiliates beholden to the Islamic State [IS].

"ISIS infiltrates Egyptian special forces, joins with Hamas to occupy N. Sinai, liquidate Sisi"

 "The Islamic State's success in infiltrating elite military units and banding together with the Palestinian Hamas poses mounting danger to the life and rule of Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi . . . Tuesday, July 21, the Multinational Force and Observers in northern Sinai came under attack for the first time by a joint ISIS-Hamas force. The attack is ongoing."

MNF to include of course American contingents. This not now and hardly to be the last time the MNF under threat. They make for vulnerable targets and will create a lot of press copy worldwide if things go from bad to worse. MNF has made plans for a fast and rapid FIGHTING evacuation if necessary. I hope so.


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