Wednesday, July 22, 2015


This is coolbert:

More coastal artillery.

The Russian as seen during the latest Victory Day celebration day military day parade in Moscow having developed a new self-propelled [SP] howitzer.

From MARCO POLO through Harry:

"new 152mm self-propelled howitzer -- type '2S35'."

"It uses high-explosive extra-long-range precision-guided munitions with a maximum range of seventy kilometers [forty-four miles] and extreme high level of accuracy."

   "Recently, c-in-c [commander-in-chief] of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, announced that this gun [2S35] was to be still improved and adapted to the role of coastal defense artillery. For the purpose of coastal defense, artillery is known to be much more economical than ground-based anti-ship missiles."

"The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV . . . is a Russian self-propelled gun first seen in public . . . in 2015 during rehearsals for the Moscow Victory Day Parade"

2S35 if and when improved and firing that precision-guided munition envisioned as an alternative or addition to the already fielded Russian Bereg coastal artillery system.

This SP gun said to be [as is the T14 tank] HIGHLY AUTOMATED! This at great variance to the normal and historical Russian method of warfare which was to use an abundance of manpower in a prolific and prodigal manner and use it freely, almost heedlessly so.

Soviet and perhaps Russian submarines also experimenting [the Alfa class for instance] and to a degree automating their warships to the greatest extent possible.

The Russian seeing a bright future for coastal artillery. Again a blast from the past unexpected. That Sprut towed anti-tank gun also going against the grain of weapons development. High-velocity anti-tank rounds in some circumstances cheaper and just as effective as the modern anti-tank guided missile.

American R and D only at this stage experimenting with the electro-magnetic rail gun as an alternative to the anti-ship missile. The cost effectiveness of such a weapon [the rail gun] in contrast to missiles a major consideration.


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