Wednesday, June 10, 2015


This is coolbert:

Thanks to Freeper.

"Indian Army crosses Myanmar border in rare attack to avenge Manipur massacre"

"The Indian Army on Tuesday conducted a cross-border revenge attack in Myanmar by killing nearly a dozen militants said to be involved in the massacre of 18 soldiers last week in Manipur's Chandel district"

"Reports said the strike was done in coordination with the Myanmar regime after the clearance to conduct the surgical strikes were given at the highest level in the government"

Cross-border raid from India into Burma [Myanmar]. That hunt for those responsible of the killings of eighteen soldiers done WITH THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE BURMESE GOVERNMENT.

Exactly what group is responsible is not stated or perhaps not even understood. Manipur awash with terrorist and insurgent factions.

And from the South Asia Terrorism Portal read an account of the entire ambush and massacre. The security forces in Indian perhaps # 1 in the world in having experience and able to deal with insurgency.


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