Friday, September 11, 2015

Saudi & Houthi.

This is coolbert:

From a previous blog entry:

"Houthi trans-national. NOT recognizing borders as exist between Saudi and Yemen for instance."

And as reported by the DEBKAfile Weekly:

"Saudi troops deployed in Najran on Yemen border"

28 April.

"The elite Saudi Arabia National Guard has deployed to the Najran border region with Yemen region a mechanized infantry brigade, artillery, air defense, reconnaissance, engineering logistics and anti-armor units, several Yemeni Houth rebel cross-border attacks which left a number of Saudi soldiers and officers dead . . . Many Najran inhabitants belong to the Shite Ismaili sect and are close to the Yemeni Zaydi Shiites. Riyadh does not trust them not to collaborate with Yemeni rebel intruders"

The Houthi tribesmen [Shia] move north! Allied themselves with fellow Shia who live on the Saudi side of the border.

The Ismaili sect of Islam associated with the Aga Khan. The Aga Khan after 9/11 seen as a possible for remediation and reconciliation between Islam and the Christian "west". But after WTC I have heard nothing further.

P.S.: Blogger has reposted this entry originally from a much earlier date. Sorry.


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