Saturday, May 16, 2015

Qalamoun & Ramadi.

This is coolbert:

Combat forces of ISIL and affiliates of Al Qaeda as active in Syria and Iraq continue their march. That Qalamoun region of Syria and Lebanon now critical. AND AS NOT REPORTED IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!

As reported by DEBKAfile:

1. "Qalamoun battle fateful for Assad, Nasrallah, Soleimani"

9 May.

"The battle for Qalamoun has suddenly become a critical regional contest for the Iran-Syrian-Hizballah alliance at large and its three prime movers, Syrian President Bashar Assad, Hizballah leader Hassan Nastrallah, and Iran's Gen. Qassem Soleimani, head of the Al Qods Brigades."

2. "At least 250 Hizballah losses in Qalamoun battle. Nasrallah pushes for Lebanese army to enter Syrian war" 

13 May.

 "Amid Hizballah's rising war losses - estimated as at least 250 in the past week - its leader Hassan Nasrallah strongly urged the Lebanese chief of staff Gen. Jean Kahwagi to send his troops into battle over the strategic Qalamoun Mountain, alongside Hizballah and the Syrian army . . . For now, Qalamoun battle has no foreseeable resolution, while laying Lebanon open to jihadist spillover from Syria."

3. "Islamic State Crisis: Militants Seize Ramadi Stronghold"

"'Iraqi forces have lost men, morale and important ground, though they insist they will battle on'"

"Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province."

"As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office. At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site."

As to the importance of Qalamoun.

4. "Why Qalamoun matters for Hezbollah"

"The mountain range is key to securing supply routes into Syria and preventing armed groups from infiltrating Lebanon."

Qalamoun today, Ramadi tomorrow. ISIL continues their relentless march and demonstrating staying power  heedless of what has occurred at Kobani and Tikrit.


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