Tuesday, May 26, 2015


This is coolbert:

Those persons not in favor of the combat UAV, the Predator, the Reaper and the Avenger will hardly like the Cicada.

"Swarms of Mini-Drones Prepping for Remote Battle"

"The Cicada drones are designed to glide to programmed GPS coordinates after being dropped from an aircraft."

"US military scientists have invented a miniature drone [micro air vehicle] that fits in the palm of a hand, ready to be dropped from the sky like a mobile phone with wings."

This is a Cicada? Apparently powered by solar cells with the ball point pen included in the image for scale.

"With no motor and only about 10 parts, the Cicada resembles a paper airplane with a circuit board. It is designed to glide to programmed GPS coordinates after being dropped from an aircraft, a balloon or a larger drone, researchers said."

The use of GPS for guidance now seen as ubiquitous in all weapons systems.

NO mention of combat lethality for the micro drones. At least NOT YET!!


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