Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blake & Cromwell.

This is coolbert:

Sir! I demand redress and satisfaction Sir! Be forthcoming will all due haste Sir!

From the Iserogia.net web site and the archive of Andrew Bisset.

England and the other European powers during the period of the 17th Century using naval forces for power projection, the extraction of indemnity, capture of prize and booty an important factor during a time of war, conflict, and in the aftermath thereof. Instances and episodes to include but hardly limited to:

1. "General-at-Sea Blake".

"Robert Blake . . . was one of the most important military commanders of the Commonwealth of England and one of the most famous English admirals of the 17th century, whose successes have 'never been excelled, not even by Horatio Nelson'. Blake considered to be the "father" of the modern Royal Navy for all that means.

"Casting anchor before Leghorn, he [Blake] exacted from the Duke of Tuscany satisfaction for the losses which English commerce had sustained from him."

"He [Blake] then sailed to Algiers, and demanded, and obtained, reparation for the robberies committed upon the English by the pirates [Barbary Pirates] of that place, and the release of the captives of his nation."

. . . .

"He [Blake] sailed into the harbour within musket-shot of the castles, and tore them in pieces with his artillery; he then sent out his long boats, well manned, and burned every ship which lay there. . . . He [Blake] sent home, it is said, sixteen ships laden with the effects which he had received from several States, and no doubt in part with the English captives whom he had restored to liberty."

2. "Be sure and put up with no affronts".

“'Be sure and put up with no affronts,' was the maxim of Cromwell [Oliver]; and when an English merchant — a Quaker — proved to him that a ship of his had been unjustly confiscated by the French, Cromwell, having first given the Quaker a letter to Cardinal Mazarin, demanding redress within three days, but without effect, then seized and sold the two first French ships within his reach, indemnified the Quaker out of the proceeds, and paid over the surplus to the French ambassador."



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