Monday, May 11, 2015


This is coolbert:

Archaeological excavation dig sites in North America with a military dimension. As being excavated right now, as we speak!

1. "First Evidence Found of Storied Battle That Stopped Spain’s Eastward Expansion"

"Nearly 300 years ago, two great alliances collided on the Great Plains in a battle that  changed the course of American history. But until now, no physical evidence of the storied conflict had ever been found."

Forces of Imperial Spain and their proxies versus the forces of Imperial France and their proxies. Mortal combat the location in the very center of North America [now Nebraska USA] of which has never been determined with certainty. Until NOW!

"In the summer of 1720, where the Platte River meets the Loup in eastern Nebraska, Spanish soldiers, New Mexican settlers and their Pueblo and Apache allies clashed with warriors from the Pawnee and Oto nations of the Plains."

"In a daybreak raid, the Pawnee and the Oto — possibly with the support of French traders — routed the Spanish, killing their commander, Don Pedro de Villasur, along with 35 soldiers and 10 Pueblo scouts."

"The attack proved to be a turning point in the Spanish conquest, marking the end of the empire’s eastward encroachment across the continent."

"Villasur’s defeat was well-documented by survivors at the time, but perhaps nowhere was it more famously captured than in a pair of intricate tableaux painted on bison hides." Spaniards are on the left and French are on the right? That is a missionary padre, Spanish or French I am not sure, carrying a cross in the very center of the painting. Spaniards and Frenchmen both appear in the painting carrying long guns.

2. "Site of Deadliest Native American Massacre Identified in Idaho"

The Bear Creek Massacre!

"A peaceful patch of farmland in southeastern Idaho likely holds a grisly, bitter history — but the full story remains hidden, at least for now."

"Archaeologists surveying acreage along the Bear River, just north of the town of Preston, say there are 'compelling' signs that it’s the site of an event whose gruesomeness is matched only by its obscurity: the largest single massacre of Native Americans in U.S. history."

"The researchers say their investigations may ultimately bring to light the lost story of the Bear River Massacre, a daybreak raid carried out by U.S. soldiers on a winter village of the Northwest Band of Shoshone, killing as many as 250 men, women and children on a January morning in 1863." Click on image to see an enlarged view.

The worst massacre of American Indians in U.S. history but not the worst massacre of American Indians in history [since 1492]. Can you dig it?


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