Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cost Effective.

This is coolbert:

A barrage of Chinese cruise missiles as launched against an American aircraft carrier battle group cost effective.

Low-cost [relatively speaking] but effective cruise missiles, swarms of them, able to penetrate known defenses and such tactics described as resembling the English bowmen of the Hundred Years War in conflict with the mounted French noblemen. As described in this Internet article.

"What Can the Middle Ages Teach Us About US Naval Strategy?"

"The history of European chivalry offers valuable insights for analyzing the Sino-US naval competition."

"For the lack of space here, let us just briefly investigate one aspect of the Sino-U.S. naval rivalry, the arms race between Chinese anti-ship missiles and American aircraft carrier battle groups from a financial perspective. A 2013 report by the Center for New American Security neatly summarizes the uneven financial equation of this arms competition. The paper notes that the cost of the DF-21D, a Chinese anti-ship ballistic missile, lies between $5 to $ 11 million"

 “Assuming the conservative, high-end estimate of $11 million per missile gives an exchange ratio of $11 million to $13.5 billion [the estimated cost of one nuclear-powered aircraft carrier], which means that China could build 1,227 DF-21Ds for every carrier the United States builds going forward. U.S. defenses would have to destroy every missile fired, a tough problem given the magazines of U.S. cruisers and destroyers, while China would need only one of its weapons to survive to effect a mission kill.”

From a much more prior age the swarm of cruise missiles also in consonance with the French naval strategy of Jeune Ecole'. The Young School. Naval strategy based upon torpedo boats and merchant raiders. A massive barrage of torpedoes as fired from small sized naval vessels able to overcome the defenses of even the mightiest of battleships.


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