Thursday, February 5, 2015


This is coolbert:
Hot flash item for today! From MARCONI through Harry at Sharkhunters:
Russian naval radio traffic in the Very Low Frequency range active.
"VLF (Very Low Frequency) radio traffic early today. Frequencies used were 21.1 Kilohertz and 20.0 Kilohertz. As you are aware, these are submarine comms frequencies. Also, logged at 0655Z today (04-02-2015) were two XXX messages for the Baltic fleet.. These are flash messages"

This specific Internet web site describes how to set up your own VLF monitoring site. "Electronics/VLF-reception with the PC". NOT even a radio receiver required, connect the home-made antenna to your personal computer sound card and use the FREE downloaded software and you are ready to go.

Sounds too easy, doesn't it?



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