Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mall of America.

This is coolbert:

The North American connection!

American and Canadian both!

"Somali Terrorist Group Targets Western Shopping Malls In Call For Lone Wolf Attacks"

"The al Qaeda branch in Somalia released a video Saturday celebrating the September 2013 attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, that killed 60 people in a four-day siege . . . al-Shabab called for attacks on specific targets in the U.S., Canada and Britain."

“'If just a handful of mujahedeen [militant jihadists] fighters could bring Kenya to a complete standstill for nearly a week, just imagine what the dedicated mujahedeen could do in the West to American or Jewish shopping centers across the world,' . . . 'What if such an attack were to occur in the Mall of America in Minnesota? Or the West Edmonton Mall in Canada? Or in London's Oxford Street?'”

See those previous blog entries Somali as residing in the United States and Canada having taken to the international battlefield of the global war on terror:





"...the FBI has been staging mock attacks in US malls for nearly two years to test readiness"

"Amid Al-Shabaab terror threats officials reveal the FBI has been staging mock attacks in US malls for nearly two years to test readiness"

"After a recent terror threat on an American mall, an official has revealed that the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation has been staging mock attacks in U.S. shopping centers for nearly two years to test their readiness."

A mall as it was with the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai presents a particular difficulty for counter-terror or SWAT type commando units?

Many stores and levels inside a mall that all have to be cleared, a service area in addition to the shops themselves, terrorists mixing in with the civilians and using the latter as human shields, maybe even an underground, etc. DIFFICULT!


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