Thursday, December 11, 2014


This is coolbert:

From MARCONI through Harry at Sharkhunters:

First submarine hysteria in Sweden. NO sub caught or even positively identified. Sightings and nothing more.

NOW ENGLAND! Most specifically so Scottish waters. Scapa Flow and all that I might assume.

"RUSSIAN SUB?  Britain called on the help of aircraft from NATO allies after a reported sighting of a submarine periscope off the west of Scotland last month. The search continued until last week, with planes from the US, France and Canada flying out of RAF Lossiemouth.  Britain no longer has its own fixed-wing aircraft specifically designed to search for submarines.  The Ministry of Defence would not confirm it was looking for a foreign submarine . . . At the height of the search, two US Navy P-3 Orions, a Royal Canadian Airforce Aurora and a French Dassault Atlantique were involved. An RAF Sentinel spy-plane and a Royal Navy warship also took part."
Again, no sub detected and nothing of a positive nature ever confirmed.
Hysteria and nothing more? Le Queux would be proud.

P.S.: And recall that the British three years ago unable to provide a single warship for the detail of guarding home waters. Since that time the situation has been remedied?

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