Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Red Lines.

This is coolbert:

Russian, Israel, Syria all in conflict!!

From DEBKAfile various dates and entries, that Russians having just delivered the latest air defense weaponry to the despot Assad THE ENTIRE SHIPMENT DESTROYED ON THE GROUND BY AN ISRAELI AIR STRIKE AT THE DAMASCUS AIRPORT! NOT ANY OF THIS COVERED BY THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA TO MY KNOWLEDGE..

1. 7 December. "Israel air strikes hit Russian weapons bound for Syria and Hizballah"

"Israel's air strikes near Damascus international airport and the Syrian-Lebanese border Sunday, Dec. 7, are depicted by Middle East military and intelligence sources as Israel's first overt military clash with Russia in the course of the Syrian war. Those sources assert that the strikes demolished components of Russian Buk and other types of top-line anti-air missile systems that Moscow had shipped in for Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah."

2. 8 December. "Russia: Israel must explain 'aggressive action' in Syria"

"In a Note filed with the UN Monday, Moscow accused Israel of "aggressive action" [against Syria] and 'demanded that such attacks should not happen again… Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation,' the Note went on to say"

3. 8 December "Hizballah's logistics chief killed in Israeli air raid over Syria"

"DEBKAfile reports that the head of Hizballah's logistics administration was killed in the Israeli air strike near Damascus international airport Sunday. The officer was apparently supervising the transfer of advanced weapons to Lebanon from a depot at the base of the 103rd brigade of the Syrian army's 4th Division"

4. 8 December. "Israel wiped out Russian hardware for thwarting US no-fly zone plan"

"High-ranking US military sources revealed Monday, Dec. 8, to DEBKAfile that Israel's air strikes near Damascus the day before wiped out the highly mobile Russian Buk mobile, radar-guided surface-to-air (SAM) missile, which is mounted on tracked vehicles, and the Pantsir-S1, which is effective against cruise missiles as well as aircraft. They were dispatched post haste by Moscow to help Syria and Hizballah frustrate a US no-fly zone plan for northern Syria"

5. 9 December. "Israel has red lines, Netanyahu and Ya'alon tell Moscow"

"Responding to Russia's demand to 'explain' Israel's Sunday air strike over Syria, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday: 'Israel has red lines and won't let them be crossed.'"

Ya'alon the Israel Defense Minister.

6. 10 December "Russian official in Damascus to discuss response to Israel's air strikes"

"The arrival in Damascus of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov Wednesday has set up new military tensions in the region, since it turned out, according to DEBKAfile's sources, that he had come for two days of discussions with the 'Syrian leadership' on how to react to Israel's air raids on Sunday."



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