Tuesday, December 9, 2014


This is coolbert:

ONLY recently this was the topic for a blog entry. American reconnaissance aircraft in accord with treaty arrangement making an over flight of Russian territory.

NOW the Russian gets to do the same. That American landmass and "transparency" in "military activities" the mission.

"Russia To Conduct Observation Flight Over US"

"In an attempt to promote transparency in military activities between the two countries, Russia will conduct an observation flight over the United States as part of the Treaty on Open Skies between Dec. 8 and Dec. 13"

"The flight will be launched from Travis Air Force Base in California and cover a maximum range of 2,640 miles . . . the Treaty on Open Skies allows 34 participating countries to carry out observation flights over each other's territories to gather information through aerial imaging on military forces and activities that are of concern to them."

I had thought that treaty was in abeyance but this is no longer the case and NEED not be. See this as a thing of good.


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