Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ghost & Darkness.

 This is coolbert:

Before there was Wingate and before there was Marcus there was Patterson.

ONLY since yesterday and thanks to Sheldon Adelson and Israel Hayom that story of the famous Englishman John Henry Patterson within the context of Zionism and the creation of the modern Israeli military made much more clear.

"PM, president, honor 'godfather' of Israeli army"

"The ashes of a British commander who fought in World War I were reburied in central Israel on Thursday in a ceremony attended by his grandson as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin."

"Lieutenant-Colonel John Henry Patterson, DSO . . . known as J. H. Patterson, was a British soldier, hunter, author and Christian Zionist, best known for his book The Man-Eaters of Tsavo (1907), which details his experiences while building a railway bridge over the Tsavo river in Kenya in 1898–99."

Patterson famous as the big game hunter able to stalk and kill the two man-eating lions of Tsavo and as depicted in the 1996 movie "The Ghost and the Darkness".

Patterson also a military man and commander of the Zion Mule Corps during the Great War [WW1]. Jewish soldiers whose role was predominantly combat support and combat service support and not combat arms. BUT those troops gaining valuable military and wartime experience under fire.

Subsequently to the Zion Mule Corps there was a combat arms battalion of Jewish volunteers also commanded by Patterson. That "Jewish Legion" saw a degree of limited combat action at the very end of WW1 but again nonetheless allowing those most dedicated Zionists a chance to gain military and combat experience.

That entire episode of Christian Zionism is worthy of a PhD thesis. Perhaps this has already be done so. A devoted reader to the blog knows about this?


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