Friday, December 12, 2014

Five Rings.

This is coolbert:

From an article as found in "The Atlantic" magazine:

"Why Air Force Cadets Need to Study Philosophy"

"Greater emphasis on humanities means more well-rounded decision making"

"Ten years ago as a member of the U.S. Air Force, Jim Solti was charged with briefing a three-star admiral with some technical analyses that were 'going to be a difference-maker in the height of the Iraq war.' He and his team had spent a month analyzing data about the relationships of infrastructural networks, like the electric grid and railroads, to derive the best recommendation for future military actions that would have the fewest secondary consequences as possible."

I would highly suspect that this "technical analysis" is based on "Warden Five Ring" theory!

"Warden's Five Rings represent a theory of military strategic attack, based on five levels of system attributes."

The Five Rings include:

* Leadership
* Organic/System Essentials/Key Production
* Infrastructure
* Population
* Fielded Military Forces

"Each level of system or 'ring' was considered one of the enemy's centers of gravity. The idea behind Warden's five rings was to attack each of the rings to paralyze their forces, an objective also known as physical paralysis. To optimize a strike attack the attacker would engage as many rings as possible with special emphasis on taking out the center ring, which is the enemy's leadership. This would result in total physical paralysis."

Engaging all "rings" at once with the center as priority and working outward. The senior leadership of the adversary a special target, rendering impotent and ineffectual if not outright killing.

That organic/System Essentials/Key Production I believe to include what is commonly referred to as the military/industrial complex?

Warden's Rings best thought of as a tool rather than theory. Analogous to the American Special Forces matrix CARVER?


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