Sunday, November 16, 2014

W.T. Sherman.

This is coolbert:

On this day one hundred and fifty years ago it began.

"The March to the Sea". From Atlanta to Savannah-by-the-sea.

The Union army of William Tecumseh Sherman moving from Atlanta in three corps sized columns moving parallel and eastward toward the Confederate bastion and port city of Savannah.

A fifty mile [eighty kilometer] wide path of destruction, any and all objects of military value destroyed, resistance on the part of the secessionist forces almost nil.

See my ten part blog series of entries on the topic beginning here. Extracts and commentary from the E.L. Doctorow book: "The March".

Understand too upon reaching the destination of Savannah and making contact with Federal naval forces the march of Sherman continuing northward into South and North Carolina. Also all objects of military value to the Confederacy destroyed, troops encouraged to "live freely off the land".

Hard but not necessarily cruel. It was WAR!

Sherman offering generous terms of surrender at the conclusion of the war this being accepted by the commander [Joseph E. Johnston] of the Confederate army opposing him.

With regard to Sherman and Johnston:

"He [Johnston] died of pneumonia after serving in inclement weather as a pallbearer at the funeral of his former adversary, and later friend, William T. Sherman."


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