Wednesday, November 19, 2014


This is coolbert:

One hundred years ago the Great War [WW1] after the conclusion of the "Race to the Sea" having degenerated into what is described as "a senseless carve up", the  various combatants not willing to give an inch or enter into negotiations, a stalemated and endless trench-warfare protracted conflict without end in sight, the long-haul requiring a new approach to modern warfare as not having before been encountered.

That mechanized and industrial by-the-numbers military machine of all nations requiring resources beyond any pre-war calculations, the AMOUNTS OF MONEY AS NEEDED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS EXCESSIVE AND LEADING TO TAXATION OF HITHERTO UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS.

 From the article by Hunt Tooley and seen at the Lew Rockwell web site:

"The World At War and the World that was"

"Once the two sides sat and faced each other, the only way out of the situation was breakthrough, either on the Western Front or elsewhere. And any breakthrough was expensive, whether through the use of poison gas or shelling for days or developing tanks or sending expeditions to fight the other side far away. It all cost money in quantities hardly ever imagined before. And this financial need to 'service' the stalemate effected a fundamental shift in the amount of wealth that the modern state transfers from private to public hands. In terms of taxes alone, the rates of most governments moved a similar distance. For example, in the United States, in 1900, roughly seven percent of the wealth of the country was transferred to government at all levels through taxes (actually, half of that to local community government); after the war, the percentage of wealth transfer via taxes had reached fifteen percent. By the thirties, the US government was taking nearly twenty percent."

And as can be understood by the average citizen excises and impositions when decreed ONLY for the DURATION of the war rather becoming the norm NEVER repealed.

Excises and impositions also a removal of wealth from "private to public hands" and spent on non-productive goods and services to the detriment of all.


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