Saturday, October 4, 2014


This is coolbert:

Something not right in North Korea? The capital city is under "lockdown"? NO ONE moves or makes a peep? A coup is in progress to which the rest of the world it in an ignorance about?

"Report: Pyongyang in 'lockdown' as rumors swirl about coup in North Korea"

"[W]hile the North Korean authorities have in the past limited access to the capital, the latest restrictions even apply to permanent residents of Pyongyang, who are by definition the elite of the regime."

. . . .

"He [Un] must realize how expendable he is; he has two brothers, both of whom can fill the job’s requirement — — as well as he can. I can only figure that maybe the illusion of supreme power went to Kim’s head"

In the true manner nature of the Oriental despot the three brothers each have their own clique, survival of the fittest in a test of power and will now transpiring. A nuclear power [?] in chaos and again of which the rest of the world knows nothing.

It is reputed that in the 1990's there also was a military coup of sorts the rebellion having been suppressed but American intelligence not aware of the event until FOUR YEARS LATER!!


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