Monday, October 13, 2014


This is coolbert:

HOT FLASH message!! Thanks to the tip from RT.

ISIL has once more used chemical weaponry? Bunker 41 contents are being put to use?

"ISIL used chemical weapons against Kobani Kurdish fighters: Report"

"Recent photos of Kurdish fighters killed in battles with ISIL Takfiri militants in the Syrian town of Kobani suggest that the terrorists have used chemical weapons against the Kurds."

"The photographs, published by the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) on Sunday, show that the bodies of three Kurdish fighters were not damaged by bullets, but instead were marked by burns and white spots without any visible wounds or external bleeding."

ISIL has broken into those bunkers containing the mustard agent rockets and is using them in combat?

Mustard agent warheads having previously gone through a decontamination process those rockets nonetheless still possessing a lethality from residual toxic chemicals until 100 % destroyed. And that was not done!


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