Saturday, October 18, 2014


This is coolbert:

A child of the famous and mighty bites the dust.

The son of Vice President Biden having been cashiered from the Navy his naval military career having run aground as a result of his own wrong doing.

"Biden’s Son Hunter Discharged From Navy Reserve After Failing Cocaine Test"

"WASHINGTON—Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserve this year after testing positive for cocaine, according to people familiar with the matter."

"Hunter Biden, a lawyer by training who is now a managing partner at an investment company, had been commissioned as an ensign in the Navy Reserve, a part-time position. But after failing a drug test last year, his brief military career ended."

"Mr. Biden, 44 years old, decided to pursue military service relatively late, beginning the direct-commission process to become a public-affairs officer in the Navy Reserve in 2012. Because of his age—43 when he was to be commissioned—he needed a waiver to join the Navy. He received a second Navy waiver because of a drug-related incident when he was a young man"

This is the younger son of Biden. The elder son by a previous marriage was also military, a reserve JAG officer and did see duty in Afghan. The younger son is rather of advanced age to be doing his military service, and this can be perceived as evidence of resume padding, what it is called.

This is too bad! I like to think that in America even the children of the rich, famous, influential are willing to do their military service.

NO strings pulled in this however, and for that we can be grateful!


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