Monday, September 1, 2014

USAF vs. Dublin.

This is coolbert:

"We are your friends!!"


"Two American fighter jets flew over Dublin today — and it was very LOUD"
"‘WHAT ON EARTH is that,' was a question muttered in offices, and, if Twitter is anything to go by — plenty of other places in Dublin this lunchtime."

. . . .

"Well, well, these two planes carried out a fly-past of Croke Park (and, by extension, the city) as part of this afternoon’s American Football event — and scared the bejaysus out of everyone.
There were reports of car and house alarms being set off in the area."

And American football game played in Dublin, Ireland, a demonstration of the American sport with good turnout AND A FLYOVER BY AMERICAN FIGHTER JETS UNEXPECTED!

And from some comments to the story:

"The game, between the University of Central Florida and Pennsylvania State University drew 55,000, which seems amazing for a country where American football is unknown. And for some reason, the crowd, according to a news article, was heavily pro-Penn State, which came from behind to win on a last-second field goal."

There, however, being an amazing military dimension to this story and  Croke Park. As seen in the movie "Michael Collins", Croke the site of a massacre, almost one hundred years ago:

"In 1920, during a Gaelic football game at the same stadium, British troops stormed into it, firing on the players and the crowd."

This was part and parcel of Bloody Sunday (1920).

Perhaps a comment to the blog as from some time ago now most appropriate:

"Steiner said...
Happy is the nation whose sleep is disturbed only by its mighty engines of war!"

Friendlies in this case at least!


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