Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fast Track.

This is coolbert:

More on the newly created [on paper] NATO rapid reaction force.

"NATO to fast-track rapid-reaction force"

"NATO’s new rapid-reaction 'spearhead' force, meant as a deterrent to Russian aggression, should be up and running with initial capabilities in less than a year, a top alliance official said Thursday."

"The creation of a 4,000 to 5,000 troop response force, which will be able to respond to a crisis in eastern Europe within two to three days, was a key decision taken by NATO leaders earlier this month in Wales."

Something is not right here. 

That rapid reaction force was to number at least 10,000 strong, and not a mere four to five thousand.

And was not not necessarily NATO. Would consist of military units from the various NATO constituent nations, but not NATO. British led and organized but operating independently of the NATO command.


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