Wednesday, September 3, 2014


This is coolbert:

From a book review by Jungle Trader:

"Why South Vietnam Fell" by Anthony James Joes.

"Between 1954 and 1963, President Ngo Dinh Diem, against great odds but with U.S. assistance, built a functioning South Vietnamese state . . . The disastrous "peace agreement" the U.S. forced on the South Vietnamese in 1973 made continuing American support vital. But Congress began to slash aid to South Vietnam, so that its soldiers had to fight on with dwindling supplies of fuel, ammunition and medicine. Under these circumstances, the South Vietnamese attempted to regroup their army into the provinces around Saigon, an effort that ended in disaster."

Consider this to be an easy one.

Those reasons for South Vietnamese army [ARVN] defeat during the Second Indo-China War very simple. Reasons to include:

* Tank divisions of the North Vietnamese army.

* Massed tank divisions of the North Vietnamese army.

* Artillery divisions of the North Vietnamese army.

* Massed artillery divisions of the North Vietnamese army.

* Massed tank divisions and massed artillery divisions of the North Vietnamese army acting in concert, focused and concentrated energy and power.

Massive and overwhelming North Vietnamese military force used in a prodigal manner, ARVN light infantry units attempting to defend merely obliterated, South Vietnamese troops not even having any possibility of effective response or reply.


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