Saturday, September 27, 2014

A-10 Warthog.

This is coolbert:

Devoted reader to the blog, believe it or not, only a few seconds before I saw this web site entry on Freeper I was thinking that this is what is needed in Syria and Iraq.

The A-10 Warthog. And indeed these guys are on the way? As we speak! Let us hope so.

"Islamic State fight could breathe new life into the A-10"


"An A-10 Thunderbolt II banks after a strafing run on Aug. 21, 2014, during the Red Flag-Alaska 14-3 exercise at the Yukon Training Area, Alaska."

"Months after staving off a trip to the boneyard, the embattled A-10 Thunderbolt II is headed to the Middle East where it could be used to fight Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria."

"An Indiana Air National Guard unit that flies the Cold War-era gunships, known as Warthogs, is planning to deploy about 300 airmen and an unknown number of its aircraft to the U.S. Central Command region early next month, says a Sept. 17 news release from the unit."

Those Air Reserve and Air National Guard units flying the A-10 having the warplane piloted predominantly by reservists whose civilian occupation is commercial aviator. Very competent and able fliers.

That 30 mm cannon firing armor piercing and also AN EXPLOSIVE ROUND!! Cause the big hurt to the bad guy!

GOOD luck and GOOD hunting Indiana Air National Guard.


1 comment:

  1. Wait until Congress sees the bill for replenishment of the Tomahawk and PGM arsenals, weapons that are chasing increasingly lower-value targets. 30mm rounds are much, much cheaper, and the combat utility of a weapon with loiter time like the A-10 will again become apparent.
