Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Yazidi I.

This is coolbert:

The Voice of Germany [DW] said about 200,000 refugees total. Of that number a significant portion Yazidi.

Remember, this is the heat of the summer in Iraq. And it gets HOT!

"ISIS sweep forces religious minority to die of thirst on mountain"

"Not Christians or Shi’ites this time, but the Yazidis, whose numbers reach as high as 600,000 in Iraq — and dropping, especially in Sinjar. The sacking of Sinjar has forced the Yazidis to flee to nearby Mount Sinjar to escape brutal execution. What they face on the mountain is a death just as certain, though, and perhaps as torturous"

. . . .

"Humanitarian agencies said Tuesday that between 10,000 and 40,000 civilians remain trapped on Mount Sinjar since being driven out of surrounding villages and the town of Sinjar two days earlier."

Yazidi classified as poly-theists by the Muslim. NOT "protected people".


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