Monday, August 25, 2014

Tabqa Base.

This is coolbert:

Evidently the Syrian Tabqa air base has fallen to the combatants of ISIL. This is a significant victory for the insurgents, enormous military stores also captured [?], casualties heavy on both sides.

1. "Hundreds dead as Islamic State seizes Syrian air base: monitor"

"Islamic State militants stormed an air base in northeast Syria on Sunday, capturing it from government forces after days of fighting that cost more than 500 lives, a monitoring group said."

"The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 346 Islamic State fighters were killed and more than 170 members of government forces had died since Tuesday in the fight over Tabqa base"

2. "Islamic State Captures Major Air Base in Syria From Government"

"The Base Was the Last Government-Held Outpost in a Province Dominated by Islamic State"

"The extremist group Islamic State captured a major air base in northeastern Syria, marking another strategic gain and an end to any presence of Syrian regime forces in the province of Raqqa."

3. "Islamic State militants capture key Syrian air base - giving them open road to the sea"

"Islamic State militants capture key Syrian air base - giving them open road to the sea and massive store of weapons and ammunition."

ISIL now has an air force? What else?


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