Thursday, August 14, 2014


This is coolbert.

Promise! Promise! Promise!

As it was previously in Iraq as it is now.

Al Anbar province again critical to the fight.

"Governor of Iraq Sunni heartland says U.S. to help against militants"

"The governor of Iraq's Sunni heartland province of Anbar said he has secured a promise of U.S. support in a battle against the Islamic State, reviving an alliance that helped thwart an earlier Sunni militant threat, from al Qaeda."

"Ahmed Khalaf al-Dulaimi told Reuters his request, made in meetings with U.S. diplomats and a senior military officer, included air support against the militants who have a tight grip on large parts of his desert province and northwestern Iraq."

As goes al-Anbar so will go the rest of Iraq? We shall see.


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