Sunday, August 31, 2014


This is coolbert:

"British generals, Canadian troops, American technology, conquer the world" - - W. S. Churchill.

Specifically in this case an ad hoc European only military force in reaction to the Ukraine Crisis.

From Freeper:

1. "Seven NATO allies to create new rapid reaction force-report"

"Aug 29 (Reuters) - Seven NATO allies plan to create a new rapid reaction force of at least 10,000 soldiers as part of plans to boost NATO defences in response to Russia's intervention in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Friday."

From Reuters:

2. "Seven NATO allies to create new rapid reaction force-report"

"The aim is to create a division-sized joint expeditionary force for rapid deployment and regular exercises. The British-led force would include air and naval units as well as ground troops, the newspaper said."

"Countries involved include Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway and the Netherlands. Canada has also expressed an interest in taking part"

A strictly European venture, NO Americans. NO Germans or Frenchmen either.

A divisional sized force normally consisting of three regiments.

I might thing one regiment of troops from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania combined. [one battalion each]

Another regiment from those combined troops of Denmark, Norway and Holland. [one battalion each]

That third regiment solely British/Canadian, one battalion each of Royal Marine Commando, parachute troops and Canadians.

England of course having a nuclear capacity. AND HOW DOES NATO FIT INTO THIS? It doesn't?


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