Wednesday, June 25, 2014


This is coolbert:

Here is yet one example of how the insurgent ISIL uses social media and the Internet to promote their cause. And displaying a savvy that is surprising.

Thanks as posted from RT, Russian Times.

"ISIS mocks Michelle Obama on Twitter, boasts of Iraq victory"

"The photoshopped image of Michelle Obama with the #bringbackourhumvee hashtag is a take-off of her #bringbackourgirls Tweet aimed at the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls by militant group Boko Haram in that country."

 "#Humvees_AsPurchased_WithYourTaxDollars Islamists Mock Michelle with:  #BringBackOurHumvee …
— Tom T. (@VRWCTexan) June 18, 2014"

"It’s not the first time the Obama tweet has been hijacked. In May, a viral anti-drone meme campaign took off with photoshopped pictures of the US first lady holding signs such as 'My husband has killed more young girls than Boko Haram ever could' and '#Stop drone murder.'"

"#BringBackOurHumvee we miss them, it would be a shame to #drone them.
— Caz Nova (@caz_nova) June 19, 2014"

That particular reference to Humvee those vehicles captured by ISIL in Mosul. The Iraqi National Army having fled and left behind about $1 billion in military gear, all courtesy of the United States.

Boko Haram incidentally only today it is announced having kidnapped about sixty more schoolgirls in addition to the previous two hundred girls abducted, that latter never having been found or returned to their families.


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