Friday, June 27, 2014


This is coolbert:

Troops are massing. Troops are always massing!

From DEBKAfile an understanding that the Iraq crisis is trans-national:

1. "Jordanian jets hit first Al Qaeda-Iraq incursion"

"23 June. Jordanian air strikes hit ISIS armored contingents Monday night, June 23, as they crossed into the kingdom through the Turaibil border crossing, which they seized Saturday. DEBKAfile reports: The Islamist State of Iraq and Levant's capture of Rutba - also Saturday - signposted Saudi Arabia as another target."

2. "King Abdullah calls up Saudi armed forces"

"26 June. Thursday, June 26, the day before US Secretary of State John Kerry was due in Riyadh, King Abdullah summoned a National Security Council meeting 'upon the current security events in the region, especially in Iraq,' and ordered 'all necessary measures to protect the kingdom against terrorist threats.' The Saudi military has been mobilized and placed on high preparedness, after royal reconnaissance flights discovered Iraqi Al Qaeda-linked Sunni fighters (ISIS) heading for the Saudi border to seize the Ar Ar crossing."

3. Egyptian commando units being deployed to Saudi. Bolstering the defenses against ISIL incursions a high priority!

"DEBKAfile: Egyptian commandos are about to fly out to bolster Saudi border defenses."

ISIL was not even on the radar screen just a few months ago. NOW the whole world [Middle East] trembles at their feet! And obey tremble-ing-ly too!


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