Sunday, May 25, 2014


This is coolbert:

From Strategy Page we have the story of the mini-gunship.

The CN-235. Best described as a two-engine version of the American AC-130.

"Warplanes: Jordan Gets First Mini Gunship"

 "May 23, 2014: In late April 2014 Jordan received the first of two CN-235 gunships. In 2011 Jordan hired the American firm ATK to modify two Jordanian CN-235 transports modified to serve as gunships. These two engine transports had sensors (day/night cameras) added, along with laser designators and a defensive system against heat-seeking missiles. Armament consists of a M230 30mm autocannon, Hellfire missiles and 70mm rockets. The 16 ton CN-235 can carry four tons of equipment and stay in the air for about eight hours per sortie. Think of this aircraft as a twin engine C-130."

Very impressive looking warplane. Enormous range and loiter time over a target. All officers and non-commissioned officers should be able to employ supporting fires from the CN-235 if the mission requires. A must!

Those 30 mm cannon firing an EXPLOSIVE ROUND! 70 mm rockets laser-guided to target.

And of course able to carry the ubiquitous Hellfire missile. Hellfire now legendary as a weapons system, successful in the extreme and having a usefulness way beyond what originally intended.

This CN-235 can fly beyond the range of a MANPAD [man portable air defense] and still be operational effective? Death from above in a variety of combat environments.

From that era of the Vietnam War the gunship still going strong. Allowing for conventional firepower able to achieve the same amount of damage on the battlefield as a tactical nuclear weapon.

I want one too!!


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