Monday, February 24, 2014


This is coolbert:

From DEBKAfile the typical alarmist type of headline that rarely does any good. And from ONLY today.

"Russian units transferred from securing the Sochi games to the Ukraine border"

These Russian units presumably what used to be called from the Soviet era Ministry of the Interior troops. Paramilitary units used to maintain and restore peace, order, and stability if and when uprising or chaos ensues.

"debkafile’s military sources report that units of the Russian forces which formed a steel ring around the Olympic Winter Games that ended in Sochi Sunday were flown and shipped Monday, Feb. 24 to Russian bases at the Ukrainian Crimean port of Sevastopol, as Moscow refused to recognize the legitimacy of the new authorities in Kiev."

"Giant Russian Air Force transports and rapid deployment forces were placed on alert at the Rostov on-Don base east of the predominantly Russian-speaking southeastern Ukrainian town of Donetsk.
Russian military movements were also sighted near Belgorod, a Russian town 40 kilometers from the Ukraine border and north of its second largest town of Kharkov. There, too, most of the inhabitants are Russian speaking with a strong affinity to Moscow – in contrast to their European-oriented compatriots in the capital, Kiev."

The noted blogger that went by the nom de plume of  "Spengler" rates DEBKA as unreliable under all circumstances. This I have often noted myself.

Sevastopol as previously noted the home of the Russian Black Sea fleet.

The devoted reader to the blog will have to decide for themselves.


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