Friday, January 24, 2014

Princess Patricia.

This is coolbert:

Is he for real?

And the answer is NO!

The prevaricator/impostor/fake military war hero. The wannabee Baron Munchausen teller of tall tales.

Unmasked and now properly contrite. Even in Canada does this sort of thing occur.

Princess Patricia I am sure is not pleased.

"Is he for real? Soldiers accuse local man of being a fake"

"Peterborough’s David Jeffrey Dodd said he is a retired member of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, haunted by the scenes of his overseas experiences when his platoon was bombed and a female soldier died in his arms."

Mr. Dodd now unmasked and appropriately contrite. Hide your face sir!

"Soldier sorry for false claims, hands back service medals"

"Peterborough’s David Dodd has apologized for making false claims about his military service online and he has handed over service medals he’s not entitled to wear, The Examiner has learned. Dodd became the centre of a national controversy after he made false claims on the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) Association Facebook group Sunday about being a former Patricia, witnessing a fellow female soldier die in his arms during overseas combat and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."

Mr. Dodd evidently had performed very limited and less than illustrious military service, his enlistments and service however not as his claims warrant. FAR LESS actually!

Within the realm of the Canadian military the Princess Patricia's is an illustrious elite unit, as I recall having held the line in the trenches during the Great War when poison gas was used for the first time.

Mr. Dodd needs some suitable help? Pharmaceuticals will do the trick if the proper dose is found.


1 comment:

  1. A few things about Mr David Dodd.

    1. This is not the first time he has taken credit for achievements he has not earned.
    2. He has made various outrageous claims about his personal being over the years that draw concerns
    3. I dunno that drugs will help him.
