Saturday, December 7, 2013


This is coolbert:

The strange case of Merrill Newman has been resolved and this from only a few hours ago too.

Thanks to Freeper the update:

"US war veteran 'deported by North Korea' (Merrill Newman)"

"North Korea has deported a US veteran of the Korean War who had been detained in the country since October, the state-run KCNA news agency reports. It says Merrill Newman was expelled on 'humanitarian grounds' after he confessed to his 'crimes' against the state during the 1950-53 war and 'apologised'. Mr Newman, 85, had been held on charges of 'hostile acts' against the North."

Mr. Newman released and deported, a prisoner-of-war repatriated.

Recall that the Korean War never ACTUALLY ENDED! Only a truce, an armistice, a cease-fire in place, but no end to hostilities or peace treaty as that term understood.

Mr. Newman in my opinion should consider himself to be lucky he got out alive. In the fevered and terribly disturbed mind of the North Korean, events from sixty years ago are never thought to be old news or anything of the sort. That anger and hate as taught from generation to generation never it seems undiminished or unabated.



1 comment:

  1. That seems to me like another way North Korea tries to make a show of force. Is good He wasn't kept as a bargaining chip.
