Monday, December 2, 2013


This is coolbert:

As from the DEBKAfile from about three week ago:

"A multinational fleet needed to destroy Syria's chemical arms"
"Destroying Syria's chemical weapons at sea is the only remaining option after no country would agree to host the operation of demolishing Syria's stockpile of 1,300 tonnes of toxic materials."

Unable to find a nation willing to host the destruction operation of Syrian chemical munitions.

NOT content with disabling the means of production of Syrian chemical munitions.

NOT content with destroying those weapons systems capable of delivering Syrian chemical munitions.

And the alternative is dumping in the deep ocean. Pelagic waters the final resting place?

An idea that has merit. And there is PRECEDENT FOR THIS! Stockpiles as they exist loaded onto a cargo ship, taken out into those abysmal depths of the open ocean - - that merchant vessel then deliberately sunk with cargo also going to the bottom.

From decades ago the CHASE program. Both conventional and chemical weapons disposed of and most controversially so when CHASE involved the dumping of NERVE agent.

"Operation CHASE (Cut Holes and Sink 'Em) was a United States Department of Defense program that involved the disposal of unwanted munitions at sea from May 1964 into the early 1970s."

"The disposal program involved loading old munitions onto ships which were then slated to be scuttled once they were up to 250 miles off shore. While most of the sinkings involved ships loaded with conventional weapons there were four which involved chemical weapons. The chemical weapons disposal site was a three mile (5 km) area of the Atlantic Ocean between the coast of the U.S. state of Florida and the Bahamas."

"Most controversially so" nerve agents of the most deadly type dumped but contained in what is assumed to be a secure container the danger of leakage minimal.

That was CHASE-10. I remember it all very well. Allegations of possible contamination of the ocean a possible so it was suggested.

"CHASE 10 dumped 3,000 tons of United States Army nerve agent filled rockets encased in concrete vaults."

That CHASE-10 site monitored for leakage and danger for four full decades now and so far so good, poisoning of the open ocean as far as known either negligible or even non-existent?


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