Wednesday, November 13, 2013


This is coolbert:

Again from a comment to the blog by Dan:

"The defense always dominated the offense."

During the Great War the predominant force the defense without doubt. The war except for a brief period a "war of movement" degenerating into what is best termed "a senseless carve-up". Neither side able to prevail or even make progress those casualties subsequent on all sides catastrophic in comparison to gain.

There being but "one exception".

From the book: "WAR SECRETS IN THE ETHER"     by Wilhelm F. Flicke.

"The 'Judgment of God' and its explanation"

"During World War I three was a German soldier song which contained, among others, the following couplet":

" . . . For this campaign
Is no fast train . . .    ."

"Although in general there is little logic and sense to soldiers' songs, the accuracy of this verse could not be disputed. From a campaign at express speed, such as had been expected in August 1914, there developed on which at best had the speed of a slow freight, and this was true on all fronts. There was on one exception, and that was the campaign 1916-1917 again Romania. In four months this action was carried out from the beginning to a completely successful conclusion, and the enemy [Romania]was utterly beaten. In those days in Austria and Germany they spoke of the Judgment of God which had fallen on this country [Romania].  But they were careful never even to hint at what had really brought on this 'Judgment of God.'"

Romania entering the war on the side of the allied powers, the situation favorable from the Romanian standpoint, that counter-offensive of the combined German, Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian forces however successful, within a period of "four months" the Romanian defeated in the classical manner, a war of movement contrary to the experience on the other fronts of the war being possible.

"At the conclusion of the Romanian campaign, three-fourths of the Romanian army had been annihilated and, save for a meager remnant, had ceased to exist."

That "judgment" the Romanian excessively reliant on radio communications and radio message traffic injudiciously transmitted either in-the-clear or using cryptographic systems of the most basic and primitive type and variety. Insecure radio communications, marching orders, plans and directives as transmitted to Romanian units in contact with the enemy made apparent to the adversary in real-time and allowing for action-able intelligence the German and their allies able to take advantage of almost in a leisurely and casual manner.


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