Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This is coolbert:

Fanatico fascista?

Came across by accident this item as quite often is the circumstance.

Yet one more instance of Italian troops continuing the fight on the Axis side in the aftermath of Italian surrender in 1943. Part of what became known as the Italian Co-Belligerent Army.

Italian military units for whatever combination of reasons not willing to lay down their arms, part and parcel of the fascist cause, fanatics in many cases so it can be surmised. Loyalty in a manner hard to explain.

"After the Italian surrender, a significant part of the Nembo went over to the German side, eventually becoming the basis of the 4th Fallschirmjäger Division."

This was Nembo. Italian paratrooper division that a "significant part of" decided to retain a loyalty to Mussolini.

"184th Airborne Division Nembo or 184th Divisione Paracadutisti Nembo (Italian) was an airborne division of the Italian Army during World War II."

 "A significant part of the 184 Airborne Division Nembo went over to the German side, eventually becoming the basis of the 4th Fallschirmjäger Division"

Elements of that paratroop division as still existed Incorporated into A COMBINED GERMAN AND ITALIAN COMMAND! [4th Parachute Division]

These parachutists were fascist fanatics pure and simple? Italian participation in the Second World War [WW2] on the side of the Axis after 1943 more complicated than normally thought? Think of Decima Mas, the two Italian Waffen SS brigades that fought at Anzio, the Italian "Hell Ships" and that 1 million or so Italian military personnel interred by the German and sent to the Reich to work as impressed laborers.

An entire PhD thesis could be written about such events. Perhaps it already has been.


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