Monday, July 1, 2013

Fourth of July II.

This is coolbert:


As was reported by the Chicago Tribune from one-hundred-fifty years ago, that most climactic battle of the American Civil War resulting in a complete Union victory. Followed closely by those readers of the Tribune. These particular headlines from 8 July. Readers of the Tribune aware of Federal victory, further report dealing with the aftermath of the battle.

"Chicagoans in 1863 experienced the two events separately. The telegraph dispatches from the great battle in Pennsylvania came quickly, a one-day delay that allowed Tribune readers to follow the action of the epic fight 150 years ago this week between Union Gen. George Meade and the Southern host led by Lee. But the news took much longer coming up the river [Mississippi], often delayed up to eight or nine days."


"Our Whole Army in Pursuit of Lee,"

"His forces in Rapid Flight Southward,"

"Prompt Measures to Intercept them,"

"Rumored Crossing Begun at Williamsport."

"A Great Battle Believed to be in Progress Yesterday."


That Army of Northern Virginia NOT being pursued. The "whole army" NOT in pursuit of Lee. "Prompt measures" NOT taken, a "great battle" NOT in progress. Meade content to fight strictly defensively at Gettysburg, also timid, having Lee on the run, not pursuing!

That Army of Northern Virginia generally acknowledged as one of the finest fighting forces in the history of all mankind, commanded by R. E. Lee, generally acknowledge as one of the finest fighting general officers in the history of mankind, ONLY ONE MONTH EARLIER VICTORIOUS AT CHANCELLORSVILLE, LEE AND HIS TROOPS SEEMINGLY UNSTOPPABLE AND ALL-CONQUERING.


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