Saturday, March 9, 2013

Royal Sulu Army.

This is coolbert:

"The injustice most foul committed by both Philippine and Malaysian colonialism in land-grabbing the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan (MINSUPALA) cannot be forever hidden to a mere footnote in history. Certainly, an immoral and criminal activity of this magnitude has to surface to haunt and scare the perpetrators that a grievous injustice has to be rectified. Otherwise, it will always end humiliating the colonizers even though using the majesty of law in legitimizing the crime against an oppressed humanity." - - declaration from the web site of the Moro National Liberation Front [MNLF].
Rush bulletin, latest breaking news from just now, from various web sites we have the details, persons referred to as Filipinos run amuck in Sabah. A battalion sized invading army more correctly called MORO at this very moment in mortal combat with the armed forces of Malaysia.

Sabah called North Borneo during colonial times, now part of Malaysia, the invader my original thought belonging to those guerrilla/terrorist forces associated with the Moro National Liberation Front.

1. "Battle for control of Kampung Tanduo"

"'They came in the dead of the night. I woke up and saw armed men docking off from boats with long knives. I've never seen them before in my life," says Ben Ahmid.'"

"Calling themselves the Royal Sulu Army, they demand recognition and the right to permanently stay in Sabah. There are about 500 of them, they say, and are followers of the Sultanates of Sulu, who once ruled over Sabah and Northern Borneo."

And right next to the Sultanate of Brunei. The Sultan of Brunei believed to be richest man in the world, oil deposits and reserves of immense wealth, again, that area of the Souoth China Sea most contentious.

2. "Malaysia bombs armed Filipino group in Sabah"

"Jet fighters backed by hundreds of troops move against 'Royal Sulu Army,' a group laying claim to resource-rich state"

That Royal Sultan Army consisting of persons possessing Filipino citizenship but seeing themselves as outcasts in their own land, NOT Filipino but MORO. This should be understand, the context and perspective MOST important!

"The Sultanate of Sulu Dar al-Islam . . . ruled over many of the islands of the Sulu Sea, in the southern Philippines and several places in northern Borneo. The sultanate was founded in 1457"

Those various Sultans and their followers for a period of over FIVE HUNDRED YEARS RESISTING WHAT THEY PERCEIVE AS FOREIGN INCURSION AND DOMINATION! Armed Moro at one time or another waging war against the military forces of:

* Spain.
* United States.
* Philippines.

AND NOW Malaysia.

The Moro noted for his ferocity in combat, willing to stand his ground, kill and be killed, perhaps without peer never to be taken lightly!

3. "Lahad Datu: MNLF strongly condemns violent acts by Sulu invaders"

"JOHOR BARU: The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) strongly condemns the violent acts committed by Sulu terrorists in Lahad Datu and Semporna, said its chairman Muslimin Sema."

These invaders, the Royal Sultan Army being MORO but not part of the MNLF? So it appears.

The Moro an ETERNAL people. The name, the race, the flag flown by the invader changes, but the MORO does not. As it was five hundred years ago as it is NOW!


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