Friday, February 1, 2013

USS Guardian.

This is coolbert:

Thanks to Harry and Sharkhunters we have the follow up on the grounding of the U.S. naval minesweeper USS Guardian.

As originally reported in a prior blog entry.

"USS Guardian - That is the US Navy minesweeper that ran aground off the Philippines two weeks ago, not only destroying the ship but the career of the Skipper as well.  The Navy has decided that it is more economically feasible to cut up the ship where she lies grounded than to try to remove and repair her.  Another class of ship is coming on line soon to replace the minesweepers.  This new class of ship is multi-purpose and can be fitted out as a minesweeper if needed, while a minesweeper is pretty much a minesweeper only."

This other class of ship coming "on line soon" a multi-faceted vessel able to perform a variety of functions. That class however I am not familiar with.

This is a big disaster for all concerned for which there is no amelioration - - the Guardian gone with the wind [the tide actually] and now headed for the scrap yard. Damage to the delicate reef areas of the Sulu Sea from leaking oil and other fluids I would have to think intense too.


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