Thursday, November 22, 2012

New Media.

This is coolbert:

From Arutz Sheva 7 and the tip from Jeff we are able to see in action those Israeli soldiers part of the media team that: "Tweet, Share, Like and more". Comb the blogosphere and at the same time deliver the message creating that perception favorable to Israeli interests.

 "Meet the IDF Facebook-Twitter Commando"

"Arutz Sheva meets the army's special team for dealing with the information war online: the IDF New Media desk."

"It is well known nowadays that what happens on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events as they occur on the ground. The Internet, too, is a battleground. It is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employs soldiers whose job is to Tweet, Share, Like and more."

"The desk was founded when two soldiers came up with the initiative to open a YouTube channel during Operation Cast Lead [2008]."

Being a soldier and waging war just ain't what it used to be.


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