Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sir John.

This is coolbert:

"I have never been in battle, nor near one, nor heard one from afar, nor seen the aftermath."

From only three days ago and was noted in the Chicago Tribune, the death of Sir John Keegan. Noted English military historian. Perhaps at the time of his passing THE MOST NOTED MILITARY HISTORIAN WRITING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND BEYOND THAT PERHAPS THE MOST NOTED MILITARY HISTORIAN IN THE WORLD!

"John Keegan dies at 78; military historian wrote 'Face of Battle'"

"John Keegan, a British military historian whose critically acclaimed books spanned ancient and modern warfare and included the bestselling 'The Face of Battle,' has died. He was 78."

Wrote in a manner so as to be understood by the general educated public and wrote well. Most noted for his works: "Face of Battle" and "The Mask of Command".

Keegan a long time lecturer and the British military academy Sandhurst a military historian  having never even served in the military.

[Trevor Dupuy was of the opinion that only military men and further more military men that had seen combat were qualified to write accurate and valid military history!!]

Keegan having been of the opinion that the great and inspirational military commanders have all possessed what is best called a strongly developed and cultivated “theatrical impulse.”. Outward and ostentatious displays designed to impress:

“'The leader of men in warfare can show himself to his followers only through a mask,' he wrote, 'a mask that he must make for himself, but a mask made in such a form as will mark him to men of his time and place as the leader they want and need.'”

Instantaneously the names of Patton and Mac Arthur from the relatively recent era come to mind. Both men fond of adopting uniforms, mannerisms, and "theatrical gestures" that set them apart from their contemporaries.

Patton the helmet, the riding boots, the riding crop, the pair of revolvers. Mac Arthur the crush cap, the corn cob pipe, the sunglasses and cane. Deliberate and again ostentatious displays with intent creating an "aura" inspired leadership motivating men to follow!!

That sort of behavior and the wearing of unique and outlandish uniform NOT ALLOWED TODAY!! NOT according to regulation and highly discouraged. Uniformity by regulation the norm deviation inexcusable even for the highest command leadership echelon!!


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