Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is coolbert:

From the Voice of America [VOA] only today a headline that startles:

"US Denies Sending Commandos to Spy on North Korea"

"U.S. military officials are rejecting a report suggesting that U.S. military commandos have been parachuting into North Korea to gather intelligence on Pyongyang's underground military installations."

"The Diplomat, a Tokyo-based political journal, on Monday carried a report alleging that a senior U.S. special operations commander revealed the supposed commando program at a conference in Florida last week."

"The Diplomat [says] that both U.S. and South Korean commandos were taking part in the reconnaissance mission"

American and South Korean commandos BOTH it is alleged.

My instantaneous reaction to this headline was: "let it not be so!!"

Parachutists engaging in intelligence gathering missions of this sort during the Cold War were quite common for a period of time and were found to be almost 100 % uniformly unsuccessful!! Agents nabbed almost at leisure by the communist adversary with the loss of life stupendous!!

That intelligence as sparse as gleaned with hindsight found to be for the most part disinformation those parachute agents captured and forced to engage in a "playback operation"!!

Operating in such a manner [parachutists] against a totalitarian dictatorial government as harsh and as cruel as the North Korean very difficult if not impossible. Far less gained that the losses are worth!!


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