Thursday, May 3, 2012


This is coolbert:

Thanks to Ynet we have latest dope on the Israeli nuclear capable [?] submarine forces. Four [three on current operational patrol status, the fourth one or two more years before also patrol capable] Dolphin submarines now in the arsenal, two more to follow. German made submarines diesel/electric with presumably some sort of air-independent-propulsion [AIP] and made to certain Israeli task tailored instructions and specifications.

"Israel gets 4th German submarine"

"Advanced submarine handed over to Israel in festive ceremony; new sub is IDF's most expensive weapon. Defense Minister Barak: Vessel will greatly boost army's capabilities"

"Fourth Dolphin submarine starts long journey to Israel . . . the handover of a fourth submarine to Israel's Navy."

"The Tanin ('alligator' in Hebrew) is considered one of the world's most advanced submarines and is the IDF's most expensive. The vessel is expected to reach Israel only in 2013 and dock at the Haifa Port."

"A fifth submarine is currently under construction and will arrive in Israel in 2014. Recently, the German government approved the sale of a sixth submarine, which is expected to arrive in Israel by 2017"


Too, again, carrying, perhaps nuclear weapons, cruise missiles with atomic warheads? This is unclear, given the Israeli ambiguity and announced intention NOT TO BE THE FIRST TO INTRODUCE ATOMIC WEAPONRY INTO THE MIDDLE EAST! So it is said.

Once more thanks to Ynet more articles - - that Israeli submarine force an elite force maintaining a very low profile! At least until NOW!

1. "Doomsday weapon: Israel’s submarines"

"Rare glimpse into Israel’s doomsday weapon – the submarine fleet"

2. "IDF submarine fleet bans dual citizenship"

"Candidates for prestigious unit now required to renounce foreign citizenship; officer: 'This is absurd'"

3. "Israel inks another Dolphin deal"

"Israel, Germany finalize sale of sixth Dolphin-class submarine for $530 million"

"Germany will fund a third of the vessel's cost."

Built in Germany, one-third [1/3] of the cost as borne by the German, these Dolphin class subs if indeed carrying cruise missiles with an atomic warhead further indication that Israel has: "the second or third most powerful military on the planet [Van Creveld]"!

German politicians since the time of Adenauer willing and able to finance Israeli war munitions purchases, primarily done sub rosa, without fanfare and little if any publicity. Armaments direct from German factories of all varieties all preferred for use by Tzahal, the Israeli military.


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