Saturday, April 7, 2012

Grant & the Jews.

This is coolbert:

At this time of Passover and Easter this headline from the New York Times in the book review section creates excitement and consternation in some circles. A review of a book describing how General Grant EXPELLED THE JEWS, ALMOST IT SEEMS IN THE MANNER OF AN EGYPTIAN PHARAOH!

"The Exodus From Paducah, 1862 ‘When General Grant Expelled the Jews,’ by Jonathan D. Sarna"

Thanks to Janet Maslin

"Jonathan D. Sarna’s provocative new book . . . an account of how Gen. Ulysses S. Grant issued an order to expel Jews from their homes in the midst of the Civil War."

"On Dec. 17, 1862, Grant issued the order that read: 'The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from this department within 24 hours from the receipt of this order.' . . . on Jan. 4, 1863, one week from the day (Dec. 28, 1862) on which Paducah’s Jews were actually expelled, President Abraham Lincoln ordered Grant to revoke the controversial edict."

The context of this general order most important to understand, and as it was too ONLY applicable to those areas under the command of Grant, the Tennessee Department. Grant in the capacity NOT ONLY as a military commander but also as a military governor and as such possessing extraordinary powers.

US Grant finding the presence of war profiteers, speculators and gougers, persons behaving in an unseemly manner during a time of conflict, ordered to leave their homes and depart forthwith!

The Jewish merchant, the trader, the traveling salesman [the smous] found with frequency in America and especially in all parts of the American frontier, relied upon for merchandise, not easily obtainable goods and news from afar and thought of generally in a positive manner.

That situation changing during a time of war, hardship and chaos creating circumstances that some took advantage of much to the anger of Grant, Ulysses reacting in a fit or rage and anger, tempestuous action not well thought out and regrettably so!

How extensive was the degree of profiteering I would have to ask and also that Grant made a poor choice of words that was ill-considered and in the heat of moment undeniable.

More history lessons from the American Civil War that are rarely known or understood by the lay public coming to light this many years after the American Civil War was fought, and good for it too!


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