Friday, March 16, 2012

Megiddo I.

This is coolbert:


Again from that comment to the blog entry concerning the 2nd Lancers:

"I would be grateful if you can tell me where else can I read more about the battle, as it is definitely an interesting battle to read about from a cavalry officers point of view"

A most interesting battle at the very end of the Great War [WW1], the significance has not been fully realized by the military historians?

Megiddo that last and climactic battle in what was considered to be a side-show during WW1, the war in what we now call the Middle or Near East, the forces of the Ottoman Empire in league with the European Central Powers opposed by the British Empire and the dominions!

Megiddo significant in two most important ways:

1. Megiddo can be considered to be the archetype of the blitzkrieg breakthrough offensive as understood in the modern sense? 

An offensive action, massed armies versus other massed armies, the intention of which is to create a gap in the enemy defensive position, exploitation of that breach by quickly advancing echelons [in the case of Megiddo those units of mounted infantry, dragoon style infantry!] moving forward as fast and as far as possible, the compromise, destruction and neutralization of the enemy command and logistic structure being a primary goal.

NOT allowing your adversary a moment of surcease or respite, pursuit to the greatest possible extent and total obliteration of the enemy war-making ability a possible!

That blitzkrieg breakthrough offensive as originally devised by the German and used both at Riga and Caporetto, and brought to a higher degree of sophistication and fruition by the English at Megiddo.

2. Prior to Megiddo the Ottoman Empire had actually enjoyed a marked degree of success when in combat with the forces of the British Empire!

* Fought the English and dominion forces to a standstill at Gallipoli.

* Defeated a large British Indian army at Al Kut [modern day Iraq].

Under the senior command of German officers such as Liman von Sanders and Colmar von der Goltz the Turkish soldier comported themselves favorably on the battlefield of the Great War.

The Ottoman at least prior to Megiddo found themselves in a somewhat favorable position with regard to peace talks and negotiation. Capitulation and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was not considered until the destruction of the Turkish army group at Megiddo?

The defeat of the Turk as cataclysmic as it was a catalyst without question [?], Ataturk from the Turkish perspective surveying the damage and knowing that drastic change was not only needed but mandated

With Megiddo, the Ottoman "gone with the wind" so to speak. An ancient and very old tradition of five hundred years of empire gone irrevocably and forever!!


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